Following the success of The Housewife and the Hustler. The documentary focuses on the ongoing lawsuit between Erica and Tom Girardi. ABC News and Hulu have reunited to explain what happened in Salt Lake City, Utah.
The Housewife & The Shah Shocker tries to provide context (to varying degrees) to fellow Bravolebrity Jen Shah currently facing massive fraud charges, as documented in this season’s The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City. We’ve seen the women’s reactions to their shocking arrest, and now here are more details on what it all means.
Only Jen Shah and Jen Shah are at the heart of this 48-minute documentary:
Something he usually not only likes but demands! But that’s not great in this scenario. We went to see this luxury van where Whitney Rose smashes the accusations of another woman. And does her best (and a great job on it!) to explain how Jen’s “marketing” company works and ends up defrauding vulnerable people. Here we meet these vulnerable people.
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The documentary also tells the story of Jen’s previous business adventures. It speculates about her finances with her husband Sharif, and provides more information about how this marketing scam works. Including interviews with some of the victims. The evidence is humbling by compiling video interviews, podcasts, and commentary from journalists, senior experts, and law. But it’s more than that: this case is just part of a highly complex network.
Her name went live on RHOSLC because it was too frustrating for Jen to hear (among other things). That she wasn’t going to like the features of designer Koa Johnson. And her country and her experiences with her over the past year being described as not suitable. But the fashion she created for him was safe!
Kelly Carter of The Undefeated of Jen Stewart Smith’s assistant and accomplice. “She just looks too old to be her assistant and I don’t know why she’s there holding her bag at the botox medical. Why are you there, Stu? Why?” All of the first sections of the document present snippets. That show how many questions we had to ask and how Jen was trying to trick us all.
It makes sense to use this case:
Producing crime-style documentaries about shows that people are interested in is boring. And while they do a great job of explaining some of the more technical aspects of this legal mess, parts of the documentation also seem a little sensational. Johnson has perhaps the most inside information about the real Shah’s gang, pours tea on the luxury items they rent, as well as investigates his traumatic relationship with him. Jen Lehua’s aunt, Vincent, was also interviewed to defend her at least one person.
If you’ve invested in Shah’s drama and it’s nearly impossible not to, the additional information it provides will help you contextualize where the real gold is in RHOSLC. The docs are annoying, heartbreaking, and fascinating everywhere, and there’s enough for bravoholics and the uninitiated.
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You just won’t feel perfect, that’s all, but that’s the point. This speciality reinforces everything Jennifer Lawrence so aptly said in her latest Vanity Fair profile when she described the hostess: “She has the strongest personality disorder I’ve ever seen. Do you know people who have never been in charge – to the point where you are almost jealous? Totally irresponsible, shameless.”
No, but if you want something completely free, wait until you hear how he dumped his money, including (supposedly) $80,000 for the party. Closest to any skin is a close-up of her boobs as she modelled a necklace of shimmering emeralds and diamonds for a Marie Claire video. But think of this documentary as your daily horoscope: take what you need and leave the rest.