After a illustrious career spanning decades, Bob Mackie is receiving the documentary treatment in “Bob Mackie: Naked Illusion.” This upcoming documentary sheds light on Mackie’s legendary designs, his impact on stage and screen, and his collaborations with iconic figures like Cher, Carol Burnett, and more.
Exploring “Bob Mackie: Naked Illusion”
The documentary delves into Bob Mackie’s life both on and off the screen, showcasing his global influence on television, film, Broadway, and concert stages, as well as within the realms of fashion and popular culture. Through interviews with Mackie’s notable collaborators such as Carol Burnett, Cher, RuPaul Charles, and others, viewers gain insight into his remarkable journey. The film also celebrates Mackie’s numerous achievements, including his nine Emmy Award wins, Tony Award wins, and three Oscar nominations, among other milestones.
Premiere Details
“Bob Mackie: Naked Illusion” is set to premiere on May 13 at the Director’s Guild of America in Los Angeles. Following the premiere, there will be an exclusive Q&A session with Bob Mackie and special guests Cher, RuPaul Charles, and Carol Burnett, moderated by Dave Karger of Turner Classic Movies. While a streaming or theatrical release date is yet to be announced, anticipation for the documentary continues to grow.
Director and Previous Works
The documentary is directed by Matthew Miele, known for his work on fashion and New York-centric documentaries such as “Scatter My Ashes at Bergdorf’s” (2013), “Crazy About Tiffany’s” (2016), and “Always at The Carlyle” (2018). Miele’s expertise in capturing the essence of iconic figures and places suggests that “Bob Mackie: Naked Illusion” will offer audiences a captivating and comprehensive portrayal of Mackie’s extraordinary life and career.
Trailer Release
As of now, a trailer for “Bob Mackie: Naked Illusion” has not been released, heightening anticipation for what promises to be an insightful and inspiring documentary.