Netflix has just released its first Dutch film, and we are speechless.
But not happy, but shocked with a heavy heart. The Forgotten Battle follows the Battle of Sheld. The forgotten battle that plays a significant role. In the vast historical narrative of World War II.
The Netflix film tragically depicts the life of a Nazi soldier, glider pilot, and a reluctant enemy. Who are recruited in this tale of grief and death? The Forgotten Battle is a fascinating yet depressing spectacle reminiscent of the atrocities of war. Here are our thoughts on the Netflix war drama.
The film begins with information that the Germans have been forced to return. And the port of Antwerp has been liberated. They still occupied Scheldt, which had to be liberated for the Allied forces to advance. In June 1994, we met Teuntje Visser (Susan Rader) in German-occupied Norway. The daughter of a doctor who also treats German soldiers.
His older brother Dirk (Ronald Calter) hates Germany. And throws stones at the car. By causing the German soldiers to lose control and crash into three of his soldiers. He was forced to run away and hide. Then we see William Sinclair (Jamie Flutters), a glider pilot in the British armed forces. The young man was delighted and lied to join his fighters. On the journey to Arnhem for the liberation operation. The same war is fought by Marinus van Staveren (Geese Blom). A Nazi soldier who fought on the front lines.
As the film progresses ahead, we will see that the three characters are confused.
William and his army dispersed. Tonne’s brother is revealed to be part of the resistance and captured. Even if Marinus catches PTSD from the battle. What happened next was a tragedy. “The Forgotten Battle” is an excellent illustration of the devastating reality of war. When we are shown a heartbreaking scene from the front.
Scenes of corpses, soldiers starving, and blood everywhere. Which permeated the bitter truth of what soldiers had gone through in past wars. As we watch Tontier fight to save his brother from bail. William witnesses the shooting of his wife and Marinus shows what remains of humanity that matters to him. Blom’s Swan does an emotionally devastating feat because we see him exhausted, just waiting to die. This story doesn’t really have a happy ending. How come the cost of war is so high? The end of the battle signalled the beginning of a much greater movement.
The Forgotten Battle deserves to be as famous as other films such as Dunkirk, 1917 and others.
With excellent cinematography, captivating direction and voice, this film is a must for military cinema lovers. Netflix movies will be challenging for casual viewers. And caution is advised as some scenes can be pretty distracting. The depiction of the humane characters. Each of whom must wage a war they have yet to declare. It is profoundly touching and depressing. Herbert Hoover’s quote “Older men declare war, but youth must fight and die” applies here.
Every actor in the film plays his role in a realistic way to perfection. A standout supporting actor is Jan Bivoet as Teuntier’s father, Dr Visser; Ronald Culter as Susan Dirk Visser’s brother; Martha Schneder as Jeanne, a resistance fighter; Theo Barklem-Briggs as John; and Tom Felton as Tony Turner.
The visuals of this film are spectacular. Lenert Hilezh. Operator framework brutal in capturing scattered bodies, ballistic bombardment, and violent emotions sent. The sound design also enhances the viewing experience. Overall, I will like this movie for all hardcore war movie fans.