In a heartfelt Instagram post shared on Tuesday, Bryan Tanaka, a dancer and choreographer, announced his separation from pop icon Mariah Carey. Describing their time together as “seven extraordinary years,” Tanaka expressed gratitude for the memories they created and the artistic collaborations they shared.
Despite the decision to go their separate ways, he emphasized that the choice was mutual and made with profound respect for each other.
Acknowledging the Journey Together
Tanaka reflected on the impact Carey and her family had on his life, expressing admiration for Carey’s dedication to her craft and the warmth she showed towards him.
He acknowledged the significance of the memories they created together, stating that they will always hold a special place in his heart.
Tanaka’s message conveyed a sense of appreciation for the experiences they shared and the positive influence Carey had on him personally and professionally.
Expressing Love and Gratitude
Despite the end of their romantic relationship, Tanaka expressed his love and appreciation for Carey, as well as for her 12-year-old twins, Monroe and Moroccan.
He praised Carey’s commitment to her family and acknowledged the enrichment they brought to his life. Tanaka’s message conveyed a sense of fondness and gratitude towards Carey and her family, highlighting the bond they shared during their time together.
Requesting Privaacy and Understanding
In light of the sensitive nature of their separation, Tanaka requested understanding, privacy, and respect from fans and the public.
He emphasized the importance of allowing both parties to navigate their separate journeys with dignity and grace.
Tanaka’s plea for privacy underscored the need for sensitivity and compassion during this challenging time.
Looking Ahead with Hope
Despite the sadness of their breakup, Tanaka expressed optimism about the future. He eagerly anticipated continuing his journey, driven by his passion for inspiration, dance, and the creative arts. Tanaka’s message conveyed a sense of resilience and hopefulness as he embarked on the next chapter of his life.
A Relationship Marked by Support and Resilience
Throughout their relationship, Tanaka stood by Carey’s side as a backup dancer and creative director, demonstrating their mutual support and resilience.
Despite the challenges they faced, their bond remained strong, reflecting their shared commitment to each other and their craft.
Reflecting on Shared Moments
While Carey largely kept their relationship private, Tanaka occasionally offered glimpses into their supportive romance.
His public praise for Carey’s memoir, “The Meaning of Mariah Carey,” highlighted his admiration for her creative journey and unwavering support for her endeavors.
Tanaka’s message served as a tribute to their shared experiences and the enduring impact Carey had on his life.