“Charlotte” is a soft, animated biography of German-Jewish artist Charlotte Salomon, murdered in Auschwitz at 26. The film, directed by Eric Warin and Tahir Rana, is indeed funny. Who doesn’t want to celebrate a drunken artist whose masterpiece, a story told in more than 700 paintings combined in one book, maybe the world’s first graphic novel?
However, the film itself is a shame: one that doesn’t live up to its theme.
At first, viewers might think that Charlotte Salomon’s expressionist colours would boldly convey shapes and narratives in animated form. It might be like “Loving Vincent”, but a new idea for an artist that deserves more attention and looks no further than the world’s most exposed artist.
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Unfortunately, this did not happen. With little effort to reproduce Salomon’s graphic style, Charlotte reveals much of the director’s lacking experience. (Between Warin and Rana, Warin was the only co-director of the previous film, the 2016 animated film “Leap!”).
Nothing is more complicated than Jimmy Murakami’s 2001 version of “A Christmas Carol”. Which inexplicably not only featured Kate Winslet in a prominent vocal role. But also sings in the accompanying music video to promote the film.
Charlotte was surprised for the same reason. How did this film pull such a fantastic sound show? Keira Knightley speaks Salomon Marion Cotillard takes on this Ontario production double French. Which has none other than Xavier Dolan as executive producer. Jim Broadbent, Brenda Blettin, Mark Strong, Sophie Oconedo, Eddie Marsan and the late Helen McCrory also shared their talents.
All this power could not save Charlotte.
Each character has the most basic framework, with expressions that express themselves on two elements at once: iris movement and nose contraction.
The scars on the face of Charlotte’s great love and her future husband Alexander (Sam Claflin) work wonders to consolidate her character. There is a little shadow to each character; The hand, for example, is so straight and thin that humans cannot recognize it.
Perhaps all this is offset by a bold landscape? No, not even if the action shifts from Nazi Germany to a sunny, kissing house on the Côte d’Azur.
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The paintings made by Solomon became the life of his autobiography? Or theatre? “A fantastic project that tells a story in hundreds of works of art, but the moments when films bring them to life are rare.
Who is Charlotte for? If you’re new to his work, you’ll lose over an hour and 90 minutes of watching the film. Learning why Solomon is important. Why this story is told about him rather than the six million others who died in the Holocaust. Your description of being deprived of your rights in Germany is shallow.
Dodging it from the ground isn’t dramatic at all. You have to already know about their artistic achievements to get hooked. Charlotte is less than a Wikipedia page in an animated film; In fact, it’s much more interesting than Solomon’s Wikipedia page experience.
Is it a children’s film? Maybe that’s why most of the actual violence caused by the Nazis took place off-screen.
Perhaps this is why the widely speculated assumption. That his grandfather s*xually abused Solomon. Who has been abandoned, even though he is perhaps the other most crucial character. Maybe that’s why the two scenes after the film’s intercourse are so sacred.
The n*ked body is as smooth as an angel. However: what kind of multi-scene films are for children after s*xual intercourse? An extensive film study of the Solomon family’s multiple suicides completely excludes him from this possibility.
However, this is not an adult film. Its profound moments are slogans adapted only for the fridge, such as “It doesn’t matter that life loves us, but we love life.” The depth of character is ink and paint. It isn’t very pleasant because anyone who watched Charlotte would likely love it – even love it.
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Whatever hope was still too rare that Solomon’s profound story. Which could be portrayed in a mature, animated quest quickly shatteres. Instead of being transported to a place of intimate contemplation. “Charlotte” becomes a cinematic ambient. What a tragedy.