The supernatural teen drama TV show, The Vampire Diaries, is rocking the stage of TV shows from 2009-2017. According to L.J Smith, this series has a profound and unbelievable number of lovers from this generation. Everyone wants to find the series based on forces, and a moment to enjoy it, is entirely given by this show.
The manufacturer of The Vampire Diaries has opted to renew the series with actors that were newly reprising the iconic characters.
Some people claim that Kevin Williamson and Julie Plec will direct the ninth season is just a rumor. That is to say, Julie Plec, the series developer, discredited all rumors related to the making of The Vampire Diaries Season 9. She said she is not currently working on any spin-offs but has been positive about anything related to the ninth season.
Release Date:
The most nearby date for The Vampire Diaries season 9 to be released, is probably mid-March 2021. For now, it is the latest and the only expected date.
Season 9 will be coming after three years. Season 8 was released back in October 2016 and ended in March 2017. However, these three years felt like three decades for the hardcore fans of The Vampires Diaries.
If the Vampire Diaries Season 9 gets renewal in the future, it is most likely to have 22 episodes.
I believe that each one of us having an internet connection has gone through The Vampires Diaries series, for at least once. If you did, you know the plot already. On the other hand, some people might only know the name of the show. For such people, the show’s story is a love triangle between a girl and two witches. The whole story revolves around them, with a lot of suspense and chaos.
Furthermore, it is safe to expect season 9 will resume the story where season 8 ends.
There is no recent confirmation about the cast for The Vampire Diaries season 9. But, the fans expect the original cast to return, this list includes:
- Ian Somerhalder as Damon Salvator,
- Nina Dobrev as Elina Gilbert,
- Paul Wesley as Stefan Salvatore,
- While, Kat Graham as Bonnie Bennett,
- And, Candice King as Caroline Forbes.
There is one bad news that one should be prepared for, Ian Somerhalder is not coming back. Most importantly, the casters need to find an actor who can justify the role of Damon Salvatore as well as he did. Along with this are other favorites the wonderful Nina Dobrev and Elena Gilbert are not coming back.
Trailer Details:
Producers of The Vampires Diaries have already aired eight seasons. And somehow, the story of vampires mesmerized the audience on this scale. That after three years, fans are still eagerly waiting for the season 9 trailer to come out officially. Or at least, a glimpse of a teaser. So, the fans can rejoice the continuity of this show, but no official trailer or teaser is out. So, we can’t say if season 9 is coming or not.!
To know more and if you wish to stay up-to-date. Stay tuned.