Telugu film, thank you brother, which flows on AHA, related to the potentially interesting scenario ‘What if?’ Influence, titled BRAT, who wasted his mother’s money and moved in one night. Stood stuck in the elevator with a pregnant woman from a middle-class background. The rest of the story is easy to guess. It can be an exciting drama tension, but for its relatively simple narrative.
In the duration of 90 minutes, the film Director Ramesh Rapati spends around half the time telling the stories:
Of two main characters. Abhi (Viraj Ashwin) does not weaken the eyelids before blowing ₹ 85000 at night with friends. Connected with a woman and kicked a storm. When his mother (Archana Ananth) explained that he turned arrogant. He hated that his mother moved after his father’s death to find the soulmate at Dr Prem (Anish Kuruvilla).
Friends, played by Viva Harsha and the others, were made to remove paralyzed jokes. Viraj Ashwin has a rich boy, but he has a long way as an actor.
As Priya, Anasuya Bharadwaj has a screen that rules and tries to describe its character with all the sincerity he can collect. We got the idea of the bond he shared with his late husband (aararsh Balakrishna in a cameo) and how he now discussed financial responsibility, assisted by caring mother-in-law (Annapurna).
We get that Abhi and Priya are opponent polars, but it would be better to know more about the situation that made them people. Characters are not always black or white. Anasuya characters engraved better and tried to carry the burden (forgive the word game) the film.
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The film rotates around the two main characters.
Born in a really wealthy and a rich family, Abhi (Viraj Ashwin) is a spoiled boy whose life spins around friends, parties and seducing women for one night standing up. Abhi lost his father at an early age.
His mother, Bhanu (Archana Ananth), would remarry with Prem (Anish Kuruvilla), an alliance Abhi disapproved and finally hated them both. Given his irresponsible lifestyle, Bhanu cut Abhi financially, forced him to reach himself.
Elsewhere, Priya (Anasuya Bharadwaj) is a pregnant woman who lost her husband (Aadarsh Balakrishna) in a factory accident and now the lives with her mother-in-law (Annapurnamma).
With the only family breadwinner no more, Priya decided to take responsibility. The path of these two contrast characters crosses when they are trapped in a shared elevator, placing them in a situation they have never saved.
One refreshing aspect of a thank you, brother, is that Ramesh did not avoid showing pregnant women their complete elements. Filmmakers tend to distance men’s character, especially when pregnant women give birth, but Ramesh shows us that he is ready to show what is considered uncomfortable.
Unfortunately, an exciting story, on the surface:
The execution part interrupted in between. At the same time, most of the first hours are introducing us to the main character. There is a little happening in the background so that you remain interested.
This story just takes momentum well to the second round, as we inch towards the climax. Comedy is weak and horrified. Odd flashbacks and the background score does not comply with the standard of the movie the creating a poor presentation in the end.
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Anasuya gives a mature performance as Priya is pregnant and has a strong screen presence every time he lights up. Viraj Ashwin is also really in his approach and provides good performance. For actor loans, they managed to float movies, but a predictable storyline and a weak scenario became the destruction of a brother. In the end, there are more mistakes than hits, and as viewers, you are more longing for more.