Ram, convicted, comes out of jail to fall in love with Paavani’s virtues. Meanwhile, Mandara Devi, who works in prostitution, stares at Paavani. What happened next?
The storyline of the Lanke:
Lanke, by director Ram Prasad, takes the central message of the Ramayana and places it in our modern world. While this film has a well-crafted idea and decent performance, Lanke turns out to be a pale product with some loose edges.
The story is about Ram (Yogi), who spent several years in prison. He meets a petty criminal (Prashanth Siddiqui) who helps Ram find shelter and work when he is released. With Paavani (Krishi Tapanda), Ram, who soon becomes a popular figure in the area, falls in love at first sight, of course.
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By the way, Paavani works for a charity and wants to help.
The children in the area with their education. However, he is trapped in a prostitution ring led by Mandara (Kavya Sheti). The way that Ram Paavani and the other girls are free from the claws of Mandara and, in turn, cleanse society is part of the story.
Meanwhile, Ram also does has a bitter past that befalls him, and he fights all the evils in his life. Ram Prasad also brings more than a few characters inspired by the Ramayana. Lanke’s disadvantage is that this is a woman who embodies evil qualities. While the overall idea of depicting good versus evil is well thought out its implementation leaves a lot to be desired. Some scenes leave a terrible taste. It’s a shame that even the editors only exacerbated Ram Prasad’s problems.
As far as yoga is concerned, he can exercise his versatile skills – acting, dancing and fighting – on Lanke. The women in this film also play outside their comfort zone. As much as Krishi justifies the character, it’s a challenging role for Kavia, who works well. Sharat Lokhitashva surprises with his unusual character. Also, a complete guide to casting decisions, especially Eshther Norrona and the late Sanchari Vijay, made cameo roles in retrospect. Lanke is working on the central message of Dharma, and if we can overlook the flaws, this is a film to watch.
Lanke looks like the first commercial release after the second block.
There was a lot of hope, and the team promoted it as fun for everyone. Director Ramprasad MD’s story is good on paper but falls short with too many staples.
This film tells how the convict Ram who got out of prison intersects with Mandara Devi and his rocket into prostitution. There is a love story, some emotional moments, a lot of fighting and bloodshed, quite a lot of songs and even a skin show. The story is now progressing rather quickly. Some scenes were supposed to evoke emotions and moods but failed due to the rushed scenario.
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The story of the film is predictable at times, but that’s not a hindrance. Lanke can be a good racist who can talk about specific issues in society. On the other hand, the film appears to be a decade late, at least in its terms.
Yogi and Krishi Tapanda look and match as a leading couple. Kavya Sheti as the antagonist is just as impressive as Sharat Lokhitashva in the role of a transs*xual pimp. Sanchari Vijay is serious about his looks. The music shines while camera work is inconsistent.
Lanke, a valid “A” certificate, can appeal to those looking to share a battle or dirty thrill. But in the end, he didn’t make it to the cut.