The episode starts with Samar helping Vanraj lying on the bed, and Bapuji is watching him. Samar said I am coming taking water. Vanraj said, Bapuji, now you can also take a rest. Anyway, it’s too late because of function. Bapuji replied, yes, it’s too late. But why it’s late doesn’t matter. It matters that now it’s really too late. You did very well after doing the party, Pakhi becomes happy.
Vanraj asked, and you? Bapuji replied, the day you will go to your home. I will be happy on that day. Vanraj put forward his hand towards Bapuji; he holds it and sits down. Vanraj said I am sorry, Bapuji! I am really sorry about whatever happened at Toshu’s wedding. My life’s saddest day was that. Most sad moment! I can’t attend my son’s wedding rituals. My name becomes a joke.
Bapuji replied people’s pride has “my” in it. But your sorrow also has me. Whether it’s sorrow or joy, you can’t see anyone other than you? Vanraj replied, but Bapuji, the truth is that worst happened with me. Bapuji replied, you can think whatever you want to.
Bapuji tried to go away, but Vanraj holds his hand and said, then also I am saying sorry, Bapuji. He replied, it’s New Year; you must try not to make new mistakes. And along with you, I am also very sorry because I can’t forgive you. We should forgive those who realize their mistake. But still, you think that you didn’t do anything wrong. The day you have regret in your mind, the day you realize what you have lost, ask me Sorry, that day. Maybe I will forgive you.
Vanraj remembered all the past things. Samar brought water for him and said water. I am here in the room; if you need anything, then wake me up.
The next morning, Anupama came to worship in the house’s temple. She saw a watch there. Anupama took that and said this? Samar and Bapuji came. Samar said, this is your New Year gift from our side. Bapuji added so that you can reach school on time. Anupama becomes happy. Samar brought the watch and Let Anupama wear it.
Samar said, mummy, you are starting your job on New Year. How fabulous! Anupama said today is only that o.. o… orio… Samar replied, orientation. Anupama said, yes, only orientation. Bapuji replied, yes, but this is your job’s first day. Anupama said, thank you! Bapuji! This is my life’s first watch. Yes, before that, I neither bought nor wear the watch.
Bapuji said the watch is needed by those who want to go on time. But home’s Goddess go two steps forward than time, then why she need to watch. Samar added but for doing job watch is needed. Mummy, you just altogether drop the house’s tension and concentrate on your job. We will handle the house and Mr. Shah. And nandu… I mean, Nandini will start your dance classes. She will warm up your students there, and you can take the primary classes.
Anupama replied, okay. Samar said, you become ready soon. I will drop you at the school. Let’s go. Anupama said to Bapuji; you can’t hide mishri and cream roll and trying to hide your tension from me. You are tense after seeing your son’s condition.
Bapuji replied, what will I do? He is unworthy but my son too. Anupama said, you don’t worry, Bapuji. The relation is not like before, but I will take care of him like before. Bapuji replied, and we all will take care of you.
Bapuji holds Anupama’s hand and brings her to the kitchen. Anupama asked what Bapuji? Then she got amazed after seeing everyone (Pakhi, Mamaji, Samar, and Jhilmil) working in the kitchen. Jhilmil said tea is ready!
Bapuji said, gave it to me, went inside the kitchen towards Pakhi, and said I would tell you how to peel the potatoes. Anupama said, what are you all doing this? Mamaji said, stop it there. Bapuji said only that what we must do. We are lessening your responsibilities.
Anupama replied, no, Bapuji. Let me do it. Everyone replied in a single voice, shut up! Bapuji said, you are doing that much for the entire house, so can’t we do that much? Anupama got emotional.
Baa said Sanjay kumar and Dolly have to go to the office; that’s why they left early morning even didn’t have breakfast. Samar said I got a call from Toshu brother. He told me that his New Year was tremendous. Mamaji said ours also goes well, but what to do? We have a sister with us. Baa replied, shut up, brother. Everyone laughed at her.
Baa asked where my daughter-in-law is. Jhilmil replied sister-in-law is getting ready. Baa said people celebrate New Year with family, but daughter-in-law wants to go to school. The people who go outside on the year’s first day will not stay the entire year at home. Bapuji replied, you can do one thing. You must also go outside for a little stay. Our year will also go well. Mamaji laughed loudly.
Pakhi brought Vanraj to the dining table. He said, Good morning! Baa replied, come here, dear. Breakfast is ready; sit carefully. Jhilmil said to Vanraj, Happy New Year, elder brother. Vanraj replied, you also jhilmil.
Baa asked you had fallen asleep nicely. Whether you have any problems? Vanraj replied, no, Baa, I slept well. Pakhi said Papa is at home on year’s first day. It means he will be here for the entire year. Baa replied, Lord, will do the same.
Vanraj turned around and looked towards Anupama. Anupama came and said, Baa, I did all the work, and the remaining will Jhilmil do. And Samar will see his medicines, soup, and tea. Baa replied, wow! It means your son will work at home and you will go outside. Vanraj said, let her go, Baa.
Baa said, but she must be at home. She must do your care. Vanraj replied, but for my care, you all are here. And if there is any need, then I will ask you or Samar. Samar said I would take out the bike.
Anupama took blessings from everyone. Bapuji said always be happy! Pakhi said all the best, mummy! Anupama started going; meanwhile, Vanraj said, All the best.
Vanraj remembers the old-time when Anupama said to him that today Is her job’s first day. Vanraj responds, All the best!
Anupama replied, thank you and moved forward.
Kavya reached the office and listened to Vanraj’s voice message, “Happy New Year, had a great time with my family.” She thought, what happened to V? Why is he behaving like that?
Kavya remembers her past New Year and said from the last eight years, V and I celebrated every New Year together, but this year. V is angry with me, and Anupama is taking advantage of this. I am sure. I am sure; she’s being a dutiful wife and making good food for V, caring for him so that she is trying to regain V’s love. No, before Anupama will come between V and me. I have to do something. I have to bring V out of Anupama’s trap, but how?
Anupama went out of the school and said Lord, thank you. Today, my job’s first day was good. The principal madam was also happy. All that will go like this. Anyway, New Year is looking for new new.
Anupama asked the fruit seller, brother, how was the apple? The seller said that it is Rs.180 kg and others are Rs.220 kg. Anupama replied that much expensive. The seller said these are not from here. They came from Kashmir; others are more expensive. Anupama thought it’s good for Toshu’s father and Bapuji. I will take it for the only.
She said give me half kg. Anupama thought he never left a shortage of fruits at home, especially when anyone is not well. He brings fruits even how expensive they are. Now he is not well, so it is my responsibility.
Bapuji said to Baa, don’t stare at a watch that much that it will stop working, Leela. Baa replied, your favorite hasn’t come till now. Today is her first day; then she is doing it like this. God knows what she will do later. That day was not far away when you and I will be seen in the kitchen.
Bapuji replied you must be happy that your daughter-in-law is taking care of the house as a daughter-in-law and running a house like a son. Baa said, yes, but nobody is here for caring my son. Vanraj replied, Baa, I am okay. I don’t need anything, Anupama will come soon. Anupama rushed home quickly.
Baa said you came far before. There is a time in becoming dark; you must have come after night. Anupama replied, Baa, sorry! Actually, I am buying fruits, so the time had gone. Baa said, and then queen had gone shopping on school’s first day only.
Anupama said I saw them while returning home, so I bought them. Baa replied, okay. Meanwhile, Paritosh and Kinjal came home and shouted Happy New Year! They hugged Anupama. Paritosh said we thought to give you all a surprise. Samar, Pakhi came out happily and hugged them. Toshu became shocked after seeing Vanraj at home and said, Papa! He ran towards him and asked, Papa, what happened to you?
Vanraj replied, nothing, dear. A small accident takes place.
Baa said it’s not small; his complete car turned around. By the grace of God, his life survived. Toshu asked, why don’t you called us? Anupama replied, because you both will get tensed. Baa said, anyways, what will you do by being there?
Baa asked Kinjal, what do you see there? You have dropped your upbringing in Udaipur too. He is your father-in-law. Touch his feet!
Kinjal came forward, touched Vanraj’s feet, and asked, are you okay? Vanraj replied, I am lovely. Kinjal said, then what are you doing here? Toshu tried to stop her. But she said if you are okay then go to your home.
Baa said, this is my son’s house. Kinjal replied, no, Baa! This is my mother’s house. If he thought it to be his, then he will never leave it. If he thinks us there, then they didn’t create a scene on our wedding day. In fact, I am shocked after happening all that; he is living peacefully here.
Baa shouts, your mother hasn’t given you your upbringing. But along with it, she has not given you mind and shame too. Kinjal replied, so what about his shame, Baa? His girlfriend creates such a big drama after coming to our wedding. Even he was present then also my mother performed the wedding rituals alone. He even didn’t bless us and went back by holding Kavya’s hand. He neither participated in our sorrow nor in joy. But when it came on him, then he has come to the home. Wow! Sorry to say, Baa, but I didn’t saw such a selfish person till now.
Pakhi said, mind your language, sister-in-law. Kinjal replied, don’t say anything in between of elders. Anupama said, Kinjal, calm down! Kinjal replied, no mummy. I can’t calm down. I can’t calm down after seeing whatever is going on in this house, especially with you.
Toshu said, Kinjal, is it essential to talk all this right now? Papa is in so much pain, can’t you see. Kinjal replied, and the pain my mother is facing because of him, can’t you see that. Toshu, I don’t know about you, but I can see my mother’s pain. I can see how she got to remember his ditch again and again, how she is trying to forget that pain. And I can’t see her like this.
Baa said, then closes your eyes. Kinjal replied the same as you did it. In front of your son’s happiness, nothing is daughter-in-law’s pain, right? Baa said she is misbehaving with me. Slap her.
Anupama replied, Baa, what are you saying this? Baa replied, okay, you are also supporting her in her misbehaving. Kinjal said, Baa, you can scold me later. But, this decision must be taken right now. I am sorry, Toshu, but he lives here then I cannot live here.
Anupama said, Kinjal! You both came here right now. We will talk about this later. Kinjal replied, no mummy. I don’t know where you get that much courage. I don’t have that much courage or patience that I will tolerate that person here.
Baa said to Anupama; you are a stain on mother-in-law’s name. Your daughter-in-law is continuously misbehaving, and you are not saying anything. Are you talking from her mouth? Kinjal replied, no, Baa. I am self saying this.
Baa said you let your mother-in-law shut, but it doesn’t mean that you can even shut mother-in-law’s mother-in-law. And right now, this is my house, so I will decide who will live here and who will not. Open your ears and listen; my son will not go anywhere.
Kinjal replied, okay. I will also not stay here. She said to Anupama, sorry, mummy. You also know that all this happening is wrong. Whether you will not say or others will shut you. This is our society’s problem; people ask for sacrifice from women, and men always do what they want to do, and women compromise.
Anupama said, now you listen to me. Kinjal replied, mummy, I will listen to you but will not follow. My heart is not as great as you. I can’t forgive that person who makes my mother cry with blood tears.
Baa said, are you England’s queen? You never spend even seven days here, and you become the house’s owner. If Anupama does not have any problem, then why do you have spices?
Kinjal replied, Baa, but my talk; meanwhile, Toshu said, Kinjal, please! Don’t spoil this. Kinjal replied Toshu, I seriously don’t want to, but problems would increase only if he stays here. And most importantly, my mother will have sorrow, which I don’t want.
She said to Anupama; I know you will never take a stand for yourself. But what you are not able to do, I will do it. I know you will never agree with my decision, but I will still do it. That’s why I am going from here. Sorry!