Queen of the south season 5 will be releasing on Netflix in 2021; all fans wonder that in Queen of the season 5, what will to Teresa Mendoza. Queen of the south season 5 will be releasing on (first network) the USA network series. In this series, we will see that is Alice Braga and her cartel return in season five. Also, fans are very excited to know that whether she survives or not. Fans are very excited to watch it; it will be fascinating to see all the actions and drama. Series contains lots of drama, Action &suspense.
Release Date
The release date of Queen of the season 5 series date has not been declared yet, and it will be revealed in the next year summer 2021. Maybe, You need to wait a bit more due to the global pandemic.
Cast Details –
mains and characters are as follows :
• Alice Braga and Tereza Mendoza Are poor women, and they belong from Sinaloa and Mexico. They became a vast drug empire.
• Veronica falcon as a Dona camelia Vargas, wife, and her of the North American branch.
•Justin Machado, as a Brenda Parra they are high ranking transporter of the Vargas certain, and Terresis best friend.
•Peter Gadiot will portray James Valdez, right-hand man.
•Hemky Madera as pote Galvez who became one of the Mendoza’s staunchest allies.
•Gerard Taracena right-hand man as Cesar.
•Joaquin de Almeida will be seen as Don Epifanio Vargas, Camila Vargas as a husband, and Vargas cartel. He is the candidate of the governor of Mexico state of Sinaloa.
•Jon-Michael Ecker is playing the role of Raymundo.
•Yancey Arias is playing the role of Alberto Cortez.
•Alfonso Herrera will be playing the role of Javier Jimenez.
•David Andrews is playing the role of judge Cecil Lafayette as a corrupt judge looking for the other drug.
All actors and co-actors have done a lot of hard work; they all have done fantastic work as per their given role in this series.
Producers details
Queen of the south season 5 is a result of the producer’s combined efforts such as -Robert J. Wilson, Lorenzo O’Brien, Matthew J. Lieberman, and Judd Rea.
Plot details-
Queen of the south season 5 is all about the crime, drama, thriller, action.
In the Queen of the south season 5, the fans are very excited to know how James managed to survive after the severely injured. In this series, we will focus on a feud with the Russian and move forward from New Orleans.so fans are very excited to find out that who is enemy. This series is in the Spanish language based on the novel.
Fans are expected a lot of action and drama in the series. This series is fascinating; you can see the teaser on YouTube.
Queen of the south season 5 official trailers are not released yet, but its teaser is out you can watch on Youtube. You can see this series on Netflix also. The series running time is 30-50 minutes.
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