The Korean drama “My Name” (Netflix) puts a young woman on the radar of a royal captain, who runs her father’s organization, seeking revenge for her father’s death as a drug dealer at the hands of an unknown assailant. He taught them how to take revenge, which took a lot of blows. But he also plans to file his new charges with the local police.
Ji-woo (Han So-hi) turns 17 today and wakes up in an empty apartment as usual. His father’s absent boxing cup and fight lined the walls while Ji-Wo did a melodic belly press.
Ji-wu wakes up unhappily:
Saying My Name travels in the introduction is easy to pronounce. But let’s go back for a moment. Ji-woo has been alone since his single father, Dong-hoon (Yun Kyung-ho), left three months ago.
In high school, at the beginning of this eight-episode Korean drama, students are abused, and 40 minutes ago, he was holding back from the last fighter in the harbour training hall for the tyrants of the underworld in the ruthless battle of the king’s battle.
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Rumours of his involvement in a criminal organization called Dongcheon Dog Ji-Woo- “Junkie Idiot! Get out! “- and in the end, he threw away some of his tyrants before leaving the school completely. When he called Den Hoon for his birthday, he was drunk and full of pleasantries.
“Where are they?” he rages. “The police who followed me after you for a month”. But Ji-woo’s anger shifts to him, and he arrives at his door. And his daughter stares through the lock-in horror as the masked assailant shoots Donghun.
King Donchon came to the cemetery and rolled around with a group of 8 people. Choi Mu-jin (Park Hi-sko) tells Ji-woo that Don Hoon is his most trusted friend and brother. But it’s a bit consolation – the police stopped the killing, and he’s alone.
With “Witness! The award flyer, Ji-woo, is almost killed by a road problem before Choi saves him. He wants revenge for his father’s murder, so he gives him a chance: boss Donchon introduces Ji-woo as a rookie in his organization’s battle hall. Set up a great “Prove Yourself” battle training and final battle montage.
Using unnecessary punches and kicks and accelerated speed to keep up with Ji-woo’s pulse:
While training to become the newest vengeful warrior, Doncheon, My Name offers a precious opening to his vacation with this exciting first episode. Han So-hi also had anger flickering in her eyes that matched Ji-woo’s quick transformation into a rock sock punching machine.
But the exciting thing about My Name is what will happen: Ji-woo will give up his identity and become O He-jin, a police officer and handpicked Cho Mu-jin’s personally chosen Trojan horse. It’s a worthy twist from The Departed that still seems to allow Ji-woo to track down his father’s killer, even as he plays on both sides of the battle between exhausted cops and unscrupulous gangsters wrapped around his neck.
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We need to see how Ji-Woo / Oy Hye-jin handles this saw. Let’s focus on the battle now. Don Hoon quickly sends the two dirty cops to an intersection in Ji-woo’s apartment. My Name has a natural talent for dark battles. And all before the final sequence of the first episode, which includes a 360 panorama of Ji-Woo crushing a much more considerable male opponent worthy of a John Wick movie.
My Name promises even greater intrigue as it creates a deeply personal reason for revenge from its protagonist. Criminals, police: can anyone control Ji-woo’s anger?