Metal Shop Masters features seven artists/producers in a competition to showcase their best metalworking skills in potentially large-format artwork. Comedian Joe Who is the host, and Judges Stephanie Hoffman and David Madero are two well-known artists/producers who have public artwork in prominent locations. The winner of the competition won the title of “Master of Metal Shops” and the grand prize of US$50,000.
While we see images of people welding, host Joe Koi said, “If you apply an electric current that it creates the hundreds of degrees of heat to a simple piece of metal, you can melt the hardest material in the world and bend it however you want. art made from stolen metal hardened.”
The first race starts when the participants are at home;
They were given the design and purchase parts for the statues. That would become avatars for themselves. It could be a self-portrait or something that represents your personality, but it should have a strong connection with the artist and the person.
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Another requirement is that the finished sculpture must have at least one moving part. The unfinished parts are then sent to the workshop where the competition is held; the participants have 10 hours to assemble their statues.
As the judges went through the various jobs, they came up with two different questions. Ray, who wanted to make a butterfly with large movable wings, found the parts together at home, not for the competition. The jury forced them to disassemble everything and then put it back together; It made it more difficult for Ray because his wings didn’t work as smoothly as they did at home.
Seven, depicting the BLM metal fist logo, begins removing pre-fabricated pieces he finds in a landfill; Madero told him he should make the parts himself instead of welding the existing parts together.
There’s nothing strange about Master Shop Masters. Also, who was relatively serious in the first episode. Racing is a proven format that works, so why bother? The contestants are assigned tasks, we see the compressed period in which they complete the task, we see comments from the Who and the judges, and we see the judges express their opinion on the final product.
But these competitors will not be too picky or even appreciate the work of other competitors.
Let’s face it: focuses on melting metal at hundreds of degrees of heat, with sparks flying everywhere without causing third-degree burns, leaving little room for humour or rudeness.
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But these guys do take things seriously. They make sculptures that range from very complex to life-sized, at least in the first episode.
Of course, there are stories associated with them. Ray finds himself working in metalworking after addiction and teenage pregnancy. While Frank, the oldest athlete, begins working in metalworking after losing his teenage son.
These stories are helpful because many scenes show the participants behind their masks. They are perfectly decorated, but they leave the viewer in close quarters.
This result will be why the difference between TIG welding and ARC welding is not attractive. Given the time constraints, the results are pretty complex and well-designed. Which is excellent for what we’ll see in future episodes.
Metal Shop Masters does not break new ground in terms of structure and format. But the literal flying sparks and incredible artwork these actors produce should be worth the time for each episode.
The loser put their mask at the work desk to symbolize home. But other challenges appeared, the Koy sent a contestant to start.
We loved the description of Tom about his art: “My metal art, I am not about butterflies and sea turtles. I want it to intimidate.” His robot with head and spinning glasses is one of our favourites.
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We were bored with the “Mad Scramble” montage for the last few minutes of the challenge. Be: If someone scrambles to weld the central part of their statue together when there are only five minutes left, something has been very wrong with their planning, right?