Forever Rich is a Dutch film that tells the story of Richie, an ambitious rapper who is on the verge of success before losing it all. After the news that Sony Music was about to sign a $3 million music deal, his luck ran out when a band called 1112 Street Soldiers furiously took him for his gold watch and phone.
They further humiliated him by recording the incident and posting it online. So Richie goes on a revenge mission as he tries to regain his lost “street trust”. But will he lose his family and career in the process?
Honestly, if I hadn’t seen this movie, I would have turned it off in 15 minutes.
It was terrible to watch, and it doesn’t look like it will get any better. At first, even the main character Richie (played by Jonas Smulders) is fantastic, and it seems pointless to watch a movie where it’s hard to like the character that’s on-screen most of the time.
However, as you progress, he becomes less intrusive, and you, as the audience, begin to feel sorry for him. (Which may be due to Jonas Smulders acting skills).
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Forever Rich takes a darker approach, and with hints of gang violence, knife crime, and revenge, it makes for a movie you deserve. Too bad he doesn’t focus on Richie’s relationship with Anna (Sinem Kavus). Otherwise, he could have made a more significant impact on the audience in the finale.
Compared to the latest international editions of Netflix, Forever Rich is not as good as Je Suis Karl. There’s still quite a lot here, but given its sometimes goofy nature, it wouldn’t be the worst to assume that Forever Rich might be more suited to a teenage audience.
Forever Rich is generally concerned with humiliation, redemption, revenge and personal matters, while Richie has always been desperate for success as a rapper in the Netherlands. As always, it’s best to watch Forever Rich in its original language with English subtitles.
The longer they keep their videos in pen, the more followers they lose, and fewer people will visit the show.
Over time, Richie understood. He decides to take matters into his own hands when life hits him hard. Just when she thought it couldn’t get any worse, she saw her porn videos leaked all over the internet; criminals have done it. Richie is seen in the video with another woman who is not currently Anna (Sinem Cavus), his wife, with whom he has children. She lies and says the video is old, but Anna recognizes her tattoo and calls her hairpin. She is completely devastated and leaves him, saying that he only cares about money and what people think of him.
Richie returned to the thief and entered. He returns his stolen goods, humiliates the thief in a live video, tells his fans that no one will confuse the king and run away.
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The film’s final minutes show a slightly distracted Richie who seems to be still processing everything he’s been through. Now he’s back in the game; with your money, fame and watch, sure, but at what price? This particular incident crosses so many lines and shows Ritchie’s wrong and bad sides, something he has always denied. It was as if they were saying, “All that glitters is not gold.”
The film is at a moderate pace, revealing the true faces of people. When their names and fame are at stake. Jonas Smulders did his best for Richie’s character; charming, fearless and elitist.