To stem the Covid-19 case, K Chandrashekhar Rao announced extending the ongoing lock-in Telangana until May 30. The state government has been allowed all activities from 6 am to 10 am during the locking period.
The Telangana Government has imposed locking from May 12 after a surge in the Coronavirus case. State administration has enabled all types of stores to remain open for only 4 hours from 6 am6 am to 10 in the morning. Locking should end on May 22.
“Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao has decided to extend locking in the country until May 30. CM talking to the ministers by telephone and raising their opinions. After accepting the opinions of cabinet ministers, CM has decided to extend Lockdown until May 30,” said official communication,
Telangana today recorded 3,982 cases of Covid-19 took the overall Caseload to more than 5.36 lakh. The deadly transmitted virus claims the life of 27 more patients in the past 24 hours, encourages fatal calculations to 3,012.
Guide Telangana Lockdown: What is permitted, what is forbidden
1. Must arrange passenger vehicles on the state border. However, it must permit commodity movements without any restrictions.
2. All public transport services include TSRTC, Seiwin, Hyderabad Metro buses, taxis, automatic rickshaws, starting at 6:00 pm6:00 pm until 10:00.
3. The movement of health care workers and passengers to access emergency medical services is permitted.
4. Operation of all bus services and transportation between countries, including those with private operators, will remain suspended.
5. Everyone required for isolation at home will strictly observe the same failure with him. He will be responsible for the penal and shift to the government’s isolation facility.
6. All governments and private companies must pay wages/salaries to workers/employees, including those who work based on contracts and outsourcing bases during the locking period. Every violation will be deemed seriously and will invite penal actions under relevant actions.
7. Meeting related to marriage (in the case of marriage is fixed) must ensure social distance, wearing facial masks and other covid protocols. Only 40 people were allowed to attend a wedding.
8. For the final/final funeral ceremony, the Telangana government said that no more than 20 people would be permitted and must obey the Covid protocol.
‘Lockdown helps contain Covid deployment in Telangana’:
G Srinivasa Rao, Director of Public Health, said that locking such restrictions resulted in a decrease in covid dailies.
“We witnessed a decrease in the number of cases and infection rates for the past two weeks. Lockdown produced the desired results,” Rao said when preparing for the media.