On Friday, the Tamil Nadu government announced an extension of the lockdown for one week, ending at 6 am on July 12, with the same relaxation in all areas starting July 5. In addition to the already announced easing, the government has announced further easing.
Will cancel E-pass/registration for travel between regions. But private transport and interstate buses, international air transport, with exceptions permitted by the Union Ministry of the Interior, cinemas, bars, swimming pools, public and political gatherings, entertainment, sporting and cultural events, schools and colleges, colleges and animals parks are still prohibited.
“Considering the livelihoods and basic needs of the community, as well as the country’s economy, all districts will receive the same allocation starting July 5. Previous releases will continue statewide with the exception of detention areas. All businesses previously allowed to operate until 7 pm will be allowed until 8 pm,” Prime Minister MK Stalin said in a statement.
Dinner is allowed in hotels, restaurants, bakeries, rooms between 06:00 and 20:00 with adequate ventilation. Only 50% at a certain point is allowed under Standard Operating Procedures. The tea shop can be operated with 50% seat capacity.
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Inter-company exhibitions are allowed, and only those who are invited are allowed. Store managers and staff are required to perform a two-dose vaccine or RT-PCR test.
Gyms, sports areas and dinner venues are allowed in the club as per Covid protocol. IT/ITES is allowed with a 50% workforce.
Hotels and chalets, guesthouses are allowed, but only 50% of guests are allowed in the hostel. Museums, archaeological monuments and excavations are open from 10:00 to 17:00.
High schools and yoga centres are allowed at the same time with 50% of customers. Tasmac outlets are allowed between 10:00 and 20:00.
All places of worship are approved according to Covid regulations. Celebrations and ordination ceremonies are prohibited. All textile and jewellery salons are entitled to have 50% of customers at the same time.
The shopping centre/mall will be open between 9:00 am to 8:00 pm. Restaurants can only have 50% capacity. Cinemas and entertainment arenas are prohibited. Domestic and domestic public bus transportation without air conditioning and 50% seating capacity is allowed.
SRF/JRF, M.Phil., PhD scholarship holders are allowed to work on projects at affiliated colleges and universities. Colleges and universities are only approved for these scientists.
Anna Institute of Management, centres and institutes such as the State Institute for Rural Development are accepted with 50% internships.
Amusement/amusement parks are allowed with 50% of customers at the same time. Management must ensure compliance with the use of masks and disinfectants. Only outdoor sports are allowed. Water sports are prohibited.
Hand sanitisers and dispensers should be kept in all authorized shops and public collection points and should inspect people with the aid of a heat barrier.
Management should ensure that staff wear masks.
Should provide adequate ventilation in locations where air conditioning is available. Reception should be limited to maintain social distancing.
Should make signs to allow customers to maintain physical distance when queuing outside the store. A maximum of total 50 people and 20 people are allowed to attend the funeral/burial.
Tests, follow-up care, medication, vaccinations and the relevant Covid-19 Code of Conduct are strictly adhered to. Collector areas and municipalities should take intensive precautions through micro containment areas.
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The following restrictive measures should be strictly observed in restricted areas. Activities other than essential services such as medical and necessities are not allowed.
Committees need to be formed, and door-to-door supervision carried out aggressively. Responsible departments must follow standard operating procedures for authorized activities.
“To limit the spread, I urge people to avoid going out and crowding,” said the Prime Minister and appealed to the public to wear masks, maintain social distancing, wash hands frequently with soap and disinfectant, and go to the nearest hospital. The imposition of fines for violators remains in effect. The public should support the government to end infectious diseases, he said.