Apple will be releasing the fastest MacBook Pro laptop in the world later this week. The new MacBook Pro is updated with 8th and 9th generation Intel Core processors. This new laptop is twice faster with better performance than the MacBook Pro with a quad-core processor. Its performance is higher by 40% compared to the 6-core MacBook Pro, giving users the best and fastest Mac notebook ever manufactured.
The assertion that the MacBook Pro is the best and fastest pro notebook ever in the world is based on the following factors –
- New 8th and 9th generation processors
- Powerful graphics
- Brilliant and colorful Retina display with 500 nits of brightness
- Super-fast SSDs
- Apple T2 Security Chip
- All-day battery life
- macOS Mojave – the world’s latest most advanced desktop operating system
- Immersive stereo speakers with wide-stereo sound
- Controls with Touch Bar and large Force Touch trackpad
- Touch ID security
- Powerful and versatile Thunderbolt 3 ports for data transfer
- Charging and connection of two 5K displays or four external GPUs
Apple Can’t Wait To See What Customers Can Achieve With the New MacBook Pro Notebook
Tom Boger, Apple’s senior director of Mac Product Marketing, noted that Apple is super-excited about the new offering and can’t wait to see amazing things that customers will do with them.
“Whether it’s college students mastering a course of study, developers building world-class apps or video editors creating feature films, we’re constantly amazed at what our customers do with their MacBook Pro,” Tom Boger said.
Customers who engage in programming, 3D graphics, 4K video editing, and processing of high-res images will find the new MacBook Pro very helpful, Apple says. There is the 13-inch MacBook Pro with Touch Bar and there is the 15-inch MacBook Pro. The 15-inch version comes with 6 and 8-core Intel Core processors to provide Turbo Boost speeds of 5.0 GHz. The 13-inch model features better quad-core processors that deliver Turbo Boost speeds reaching 4.7 GHz.
Considering that the latest MacBook Pro with 8-core processors is twice faster than the fastest quad-core 15-inch MacBook Pro notebook, various users can achieve some of the following with it:
- Music producers can play back massive multi-track projects with up to two times more Alchemy plug-ins in Logic Pro X.
- 3D designers can render scenes up to two times faster in Maya Arnold.
- Photographers can apply complex edits and filters up to 75 percent faster in Photoshop.
- Developers can compile code up to 65 percent faster in Xcode.
- Scientists and researchers can compute complex fluid dynamics simulations up to 50 percent faster in TetrUSS.
- Video editors can edit up to 11 simultaneous multicam streams of 4K video in Final Cut Pro X.
The Updated MacBook Pro Pricing and Availability
The new 13-inch MacBook Pro with Touch Bar comes with a price tag of $1,799 and the 15-inch model is pricier at $2,399. They are listed for purchase at Apple Stores, on the Apple Store app, and from authorized Apple resellers.