Fox News have Dana Perino got an unexpected outcome. On Wednesday when she tested the Biden crusade guide Symone Sanders to give “one case of a lie from the White House on the coronavirus pandemic.”
Perino had played remarks from possible Democratic presidential chosen one Joe Biden’s virtual initiation address. It was for Columbia Law School on Wednesday, during which Biden states. “You can construct a genuine agent majority rules system with a larger number of realities than lies”.
“Along these lines, I’m expecting that previous Vice President Biden is stating that President Trump is the one that he’s discussing there, and lies about the coronavirus,” Perino said. “What explicitly would he talk about?”
Pretty great: Dana Perino thinks she’s gonna stump @SymoneDSanders into a viral moment of being unable to name check a Trump lie on coronavirus. Instead, Symone rattles off so many that Perino has to interject to change the
— Ian Sams (@IanSams) May 20, 2020
Sanders Reaction
Sanders reacted that there has been a great deal of deception about the infection, and “some of it, truth be told, has originated from the White House.” She brought up the Trump organization’s inability to “act rapidly and with criticalness” in January and February. Biden would keep on getting these disappointments out, Sanders included.
“In any case, you, you don’t have [a lie] all things being equal? I can’t consider one,” Perino demanded. “I would simply like even one case of a lie from the White House about the coronavirus pandemic,” she included after Sanders noted there were “such a large number of” to look over.
Sanders immediately recorded two things Trump had lied about: testing accessibility and access to individual defensive hardware.
“Everybody that needs a test can get a test. What about that lie? Since every individual who needs or needs a test in this nation can’t get to testing,” she said.
“What about all the governors have the PPE and the ventilators that they need? We realize that is false. There are people in places from California to Michigan to Florida. And in the middle of who are sewing veils for cutting edge laborers since they don’t have the correct PPE.”
Perino surrendered that the absence of PPE was an issue. Sanders noticed that those were only a few lines from the president, including, “I would prefer not to take the entire meeting to go through them.”
“No, I don’t either,” Perino finished up.
Watch the trade above.