Recently in Utah, US a little boy was coming back to his home from basketball practice in the evening that was just 50 metres away from his home. When he reached near his home he noticed that two guys in a white car were following him. They suddenly started to entice the kid to get into the car. The kid understood that he was in danger and so he took a footstep towards his home. But that car still followed him. The kid started screaming for help. He tried to open the main door of his house.
Unfortunately he finds the door’s locked. He was yelling “go away” and the car goes back from the street. The little kid while running towards his home grabbed some rocks to throw at the suspicious car. He decided to run over to the next door from his house and locked the door behind him. It was a very tough situation for the boy, but in the end, he was safe and protected himself from those strangers.
The Salt Lake City ranks as the most dangerous city in Utah. According to the latest reports for 2017 violent crime, Utah was down to 8.31 percent from the previous year including a 2.6 percent drop in homicides and a 14.66 percent drop in aggravated assaults. The only exception was 11.36 percent increase in rapes by the bureau reported. As per the reports rate of crime is decreasing day by day in “US” but at some places these types of incidents are also taking place which looks more dangerous for kids.
Source: Daily Mail
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