Josh Brolin, the 56-year-old actor, has unveiled the cover of his upcoming memoir, From Under the Truck. Set to be released this fall by Harper, an imprint of HarperCollins, the book promises an intimate look into Brolin’s life.
An “Un-Celebrity Memoir”
Early Life and Family
In From Under the Truck, Brolin shares insights into his “unconventional” upbringing in Paso Robles, Calif., where he spent his childhood surrounded by wild animals. The memoir also delves into the profound impact of his mother’s untimely death.
Film Career and Personal Journey
Spanning decades, Brolin’s film career has seen him in iconic roles, from 1985’s The Goonies to 2007’s No Country for Old Men. However, the memoir goes beyond the glitz of Hollywood, offering a candid exploration of fatherhood, addiction, relationships, and love.
A Riveting Narrative
Publisher’s Perspective
Described as “audacious and riveting,” From Under the Truck promises to captivate readers with Brolin’s storytelling prowess. Harper, the publisher, anticipates that the memoir will offer a unique blend of personal reflection and Hollywood anecdotes.
Continued Literary Endeavors
Brolin’s upcoming memoir follows his recent foray into publishing. In February, he released Dune: Exposures, a collection of poetry and photography that pays homage to his work in the Dune franchise. Through candid photos and heartfelt poems, Brolin offers readers a glimpse into his creative journey.
Preorder Now
From Under the Truck is slated for release on Nov. 19 and is currently available for preorder. Fans of Brolin’s work can look forward to an insightful and compelling narrative that transcends the boundaries of traditional celebrity memoirs.