Mamie Laverock, known for her role in “When Calls the Heart,” is facing a serious situation after a fall from a balcony walkway. The incident on May 11 prompted her mother, Nicole Compton, to rush her to a Winnipeg hospital due to a medical emergency. Her family has launched a GoFundMe campaign to assist her during this challenging time.
Transition to Vancouver Hospital
Following initial treatment in Winnipeg, Mamie was transferred to a hospital in Vancouver for further care. Her stay is expected to be prolonged, possibly exceeding a month. Despite the uncertainty surrounding her recovery, her parents, Rob and Nicole, have shared some positive updates about Mamie’s condition.
Severity of Injuries Revealed
In a recent update on the GoFundMe page, Mamie’s parents disclosed the extent of her injuries sustained from the fall. The incident resulted in life-threatening injuries requiring extensive surgeries. Currently, she remains on life support, and her family is navigating through a difficult and emotional period.
Support from “When Calls the Heart” Community
Mamie’s costar Erin Krakow has used her platform on Instagram to rally support for Mamie and her family during this challenging time. The response from the community has been heartwarming, with an outpouring of support and generosity towards Mamie’s GoFundMe campaign.
Unity in Times of Adversity
As Mamie continues her journey towards recovery, the “When Calls the Heart” community stands united in offering love, prayers, and financial assistance to support her and her family. The resilience and solidarity demonstrated during this difficult period serve as a testament to the strength of the community.