Renowned actor Kevin Costner premiered his latest film, “Horizon: An American Saga,” at the Cannes Film Festival on Sunday night. Despite his success, Costner faces the challenge of financing the project. He has invested significantly, even mortgaging 10 acres of his waterfront property in California to fund the film’s production.
The Struggle for Financing
Costner candidly admitted the difficulties he encountered in financing the ambitious project, emphasizing that the journey is far from over. Speaking to Reuters at the festival, Costner likened his struggle to that of the pioneers depicted in his film. He expressed determination to secure the necessary funds, recognizing the daunting task ahead.
A Personal Endeavor
In his multifaceted role as actor, director, producer, and co-writer, Costner is deeply invested in “Horizon: An American Saga.” The film delves into the challenges faced by settlers during the westward expansion of the United States in the late 1800s. Costner’s personal commitment to the project underscores his passion for storytelling and historical narratives.
Building on a Legacy
With a rich history in Western-themed productions, including his Oscar-winning film “Dances With Wolves” and the acclaimed series “Yellowstone,” Costner brings a wealth of experience to “Horizon: An American Saga.” The film marks a continuation of his exploration of the American frontier and its impact on society.
Release Plans
The first part of “Horizon: An American Saga,” premiering out of competition at Cannes, is set for release in multiple countries on June 28, followed by the second part on August 16. As Costner navigates the challenges of financing and production, anticipation builds for the cinematic portrayal of this pivotal period in American history.